weBoost - Cellular Boosters

Wilson Electronics, now weBoost, has remained a leader in wireless communication technologies and the cellular booster industry for more than 40 years.
For the past 10 years the company has focused on helping cell phone users improve their cellular service and reduce dropped calls. Wilson Electronics has undergone an obvious name change, but continues to design and manufacture easy to install cellular boosters aimed to improve a cell signal and cellular performance for all types of applications.
Under the new weBoost name the the commonly referred to as “blue Wilson boosters” are gone, but the new weBoost bi-directional cellular amplifiers continue to deliver high power, high quality, flexible solutions to increase your poor cellular signal. weBoost cellular amplifiers and antennas empower users to stay within reach in both building and mobile environments.
weBoost cell phone signal boosters pick up weak poor cellular signals from a cell tower and transmit them to your cellular device, and then transmit a more powerful signal back to the tower. Get better cellular reception and improve cell signal, instantly. Stop dropped calls or lost connections, poor call audio quality, or texts, emails and voicemail that show up in your in-box hours after they were sent to your phone, and increase slow data rates on your smart phone, tablet, data card or modem.
We’d gladly provide our Installation Services, and for larger and/or more complicated installs requiring more detail and planning provide System Design, Path + Coverage Studies, and Project Management.